Mobile phones use noise-canceling algorithms to emphasize voice and filter out other sounds (including music). No wonder hold music sounds so bad on cell phones! This article describes a new approach to Music Messages On Hold for mobile phone callers.
Tired of hearing complaints from customers who say your hold music sounds bad? Warbly, garbled music on hold is no fun, and it’s a poor reflection on your brand. Mobile phones (cell phones) know the difference between voice and everything else. Noise-cancelling technology attempts to knock out everything that is not voice.
We know that most on-hold companies will mix music behind the voice recordings for your messages on hold audio. We give you a new option called Transitions.
What’s different about Transitions?
Our message on hold product called Transitions removes the music from behind the voice, so phones don’t fight against the sounds they’re looking for. In between each voiced topic is a short musical or sound effect “transition” to help listeners think about what they heard and get ready for a new topic.
The music queues used between the voice recordings are carefully edited to be brief, uncomplicated (to avoid triggering excessive noise reduction), and offer plenty of variety to match the mood, tempo, and tone of each voiced topic.

Phones are made to optimize voice. The Transitions approach is a hold music solution that sounds better on cell phones.